This too shall pass...
There is something to be said for a lazy weekend. No rehearsals, no shows, no work no visitors, no places to go, just the kids... and the dog... and the cat... and a giant pile of laundry. Its a rarity in our house but we enjoyed one this weekend.
I spent much of the morning snapping pictures while the kids played together. I think I took about 200...
Avacado, ever present, bats Hudson's Gorilla Munch on the floor while Max does his mazes at the Red Table
Max gives me an actual smile for a photograph
Hudson loves the Red Table but the sun is too bright. Besides, under the table ends up being a better place to play.

Max helps with breakfast.
Hudson, the music man, plays the bongos
Hudson had an ear infection and a bad virus but is feeling much better
Max leans in to kiss Avacado during Quiet Time.

Max helps with breakfast.
Hudson, the music man, plays the bongos
Max leans in to kiss Avacado during Quiet Time.
In the end of our "lazy day" we were able to clean the downstairs, upstairs and do 5 loads of laundry so it was successful. Tomorrow we're going to IKEA to get a dresser for said laundry...
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